
Confessional Presbyterian

January 29, 2011

Westminster professor Dr. Lane Tipton and Westminster alumni and students featured in the latest edition of The Confessional Presbyterian Journal!

About The Confessional Presbyterian:

In a day when it seems Presbyterians are drifting further and further away from the doctrines of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, The Confessional Presbyterian journal was founded to provide a forum for ecumenical discussion amongst conservative Presbyterians of different denominations, wishing to defend closer adherence to these old standards of biblical Christianity.

Featured in this edition are the following Westminster Faculty, Alumni, and students:

  • Rev. Dr. Lane Tipton, associate professor of systematic theology: "The Presence of Divine Persons: Extending the Incarnational Analogy to Impeccability and Inerrancy"
  • Jeffrey Waddington, PhD Student: "Must We believe? Jonathan Edwards and Conscious Faith in Christ," and a review of Richard C. Gamble, The Whole Counsel of God: Vol. 1, God’s Mighty Acts in the Old Testament.
  • Rev. Dr. Frank J. Smith (MDiv '79, ThM '83): "American Presbyterianism and the Cold War"
  • Glen Clary (MDiv '05): "Ulrich Zwingli and the Swiss Anabaptists: Sola Scriptura and the Reformation of Christian Worship"
  • Dr. Mark Herzer (MAR '93, PhD '03): "The Modern Roman Catholic View of Scripture"
  • Dr. Guy Prentiss Waters (MDiv '98): "Covenant Theology and Recent Interpretation of Paul:
    Some Reflections"
  • Rev. Lane Keister (MDiv '04): Reviews of Joseph C. Morecraft, III, Authentic Christianity: An Exposition of the Theology and Ethics of the Westminster Larger Catechism; Chris Coldwell, The Larger Catechism of the Westminster Assembly: A Transcription of the Surviving Manuscripts with Notes; and John R. Bower, The Larger Catechism: A Critical Text and Introduction.
  • James Dolezal, PhD student: Review of Paul Helm, Calvin at the Centre.

Also featured in this issue is a review by Tom Deatsch of The Shepherd Leader by Rev. Dr. Timothy Witmer, professor of practical theology.  The article editors include Dr. C. N. Willborn (PhD '03) and James J. Cassidy (MDiv '02).

For more information about the Journal, visit