
Theological Libraries Month

October 19, 2009

Director's Message
Welcome to the Montgomery Library of Westminster Theological Seminary (click for the home page). On these web pages you will find information about our programs and services.

The mission of Westminster Seminary’s Montgomery Library is to provide you with quality service. As we do this, we are guided by these principles.

- The Library exists to provide you with a witness to the past by making available to you the wisdom of the ages in both print and electronic formats.

- We also seek to provide you with a window on a world of ideas by providing access to divergent voices that will challenge you as you prepare for ministry in Christ’s Kingdom.

- We are also a place of scholarship where you can study in comfort and receive the training and support you need to become a better scholar.

- Through our educational programs we want to be an active partner in your theological education.

Alexander (Sandy) Finlayson
Library Director


The Montgomery Library kicked off Theological Libraries Month on October 1 with cookies and a contest on the library front lawn. Sandy Finlayson, professor of theological bibliography and director of library services(pictured, front left). Open to all WTS students, faculty and staff, come by the library to pick up your puzzle form. For more activities and events around Theological Libraries Month, visit the library Library Home Page or talk with our library staff. Explore a few resources: