
Dr. Trueman on BBC

July 04, 2009

The official press release reads as follows:

Raised in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, Dr. Macleod’s abilities quickly earmarked him as an academic. Whilst studying at Glasgow University he became a Christian and was also profoundly influenced by the work of J.G. Machen, adopting the latter’s robustly intellectual approach to evangelicalism.

His pastoral career took him first to Lochaber in 1964; he was translated to Glasgow’s Partick Highland Free Church congregation in 1970, where he enjoyed a decade long, seminal, ministry.

In 1979, whilst still only 36, he was elected to the chair of Systematic Theology at the Free Church College. In tandem with his academic work, throughout the eighties he also edited the Free Church periodical, The Monthly Record; his gift for plain speaking giving the church an effective voice in Scottish political discourse.

Dr. Macleod has always been a bold advocate of the causes that are dear to him. As well known for his searing political polemics as he is for theological brilliance, he has never ducked a difficult issue, nor been afraid to rattle cages - amongst friend and foe alike.

On the eve of his final year as College Principal, Dr. Macleod retraces the journey that his career has taken him on. Starting at his birthplace in Ness on the Isle of Lewis, down the stunning west coast to Glasgow and finally through to Edinburgh.

Joining him on his journey is journalist Angus Macdonald and together they consider how Scotland’s political, social and religious landscape has altered, and how these changes have shaped Dr. Macleod’s life and also the future of the community and church that he’s served.

Amongst the guests joining them will be academic and author Dr. Carl R. Trueman, vice president for academic affairs and professor of historical theology and church history at Westminster, Philadelphia.

The film is being produced for BBC ALBA by Corran Media Ltd.