
Help Heal Africa

March 03, 2009

Peace Building, Healing and Reconciliation Programme is an International Christian NGO registered in Kenya (Headquarters) in Rwanda and Sudan. The organization was formed in 1994 as Peace and Reconciliation Ministries (PRM) an autonomous ministry under Medical Assistance Programme (MAP International). Since 1998, the organization has been operating as an Independent NGO.

PHARP's major focus is training of trainers (TOT) on peace building, trauma healing, reconciliation, discipleship and conflict transformation. PHARP has made major contributions in training of trainers who include project officers and coordinators of humanitarian agencies, organizations, institutions and community based organizations that target victims of conflicts and marginalized groups in the society.

PHARP responds to vulnerable people affected or displaced by armed conflicts especially in Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Southern Sudan, Darfur and the Horn of Africa.

Our Objectives

   1. To increase the knowledge and awareness of the root causes, reality and results of violent conflicts in Africa.
   2. To serve  as a  resource  for  training  on  mediation  for those  seeking  to work  in peace building , healing  and  reconciliation  in Africa.
   3. To establish  sustainable  networks  with organizations  in  field  of reconciliation , non- violent  conflict  transformation and organizational  development .
   4. To conduct research on issues related to peace and  transformation of individuals and communities.
   5. To produce peace, healing and reconciliation materials.
Main Activities

   1. Training workshops and seminars in conflict management, counseling, peace and
   2. Research on the background, impact and management of conflicts.
   3. Capacity building among local communities for peace, reconciliation, community reconstruction and income generating ventures.
   4. Conducting education through the media: print and electronic media, production and distribution of promotional materials, training and resource manuals.     
   5. Resource centre (books, videos, journals, manuals, periodicals and leaflets)