
Trueman Lecture on Luther

October 30, 2014

Martin Luther and Good Works, October 31

Rev. Dr. Carl Trueman, Paul Woolley Chair of Church History, will be speaking at the upcoming Reformation Day Observance on October 31 at 7:00pm, in Carlisle, PA at Redeemer Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Dr. Trueman will be speaking on "Martin Luther and Good Works."

For more information, Click here. There is no charge for this event, all are welcome.

To download a lecture by Dr. Trueman from our media center, "One Little Word Shall Fell Him: Luther and Preaching," Click here. If you're interested in hearing more, consider downloading Dr. Trueman's course, "The Reformation" from iTunes U.

Th.M. Modular Class

January 26th-30th, 2015, Dr. Trueman will teach a modular Th.M. class, "Life and Thought of Martin Luther." If you are interested in attending, click here for information or contact Admissions here.