
Interview with Dr. Duguid

June 04, 2013

Iain Duguid (M.Div. '89)

Recently, Westminster alumnus Rev. Dr. Iain Duguid came to campus to speak at chapel. You can listen to his chapel message, "Friendship on Fire," in our media center. We sat down with him after chapel to ask about his experience as a pastor and a scholar and how Westminster shaped his ministry.

Dr. Duguid is professor of biblical and religious studies at Grove City College.  A native of Great Britain, he initially trained as an electrical engineer and served as a missionary in Liberia, West Africa, before studying for the ministry. He completed a Ph.D. in Old Testament at Cambridge University and subsequently planted a church on an inner-city housing estate in Oxford, England. He has taught Hebrew and Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, and at Westminster Seminary in California before taking the position at Grove City College.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3