
New Bookstore Website!

April 06, 2013

The Westminster Bookstore now has a new website with many new features! Browse to see features like a one-page checkout, a new Bible finder, revamped categories, the ability to write and read reviews on books you have purchased, and tablet-friendly designs.

Learn More about the New Features here.

New Bookstore Site


Reformed Christian Books and Resources

Westminster Bookstore is the campus bookstore for Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. We exist to serve the Kingdom of God by serving both the Westminster Theological Seminary community as well as the broader church through the distribution of high quality, biblically faithful, Reformed books and resources.

As evidenced in much of the Christian publishing industry, capitalism left alone will produce more and more of what our itching ears long to hear since that is what sells and is most easy to market.

Being an alternative voice to the "what sells" trend, we market books that we believe are high quality, Reformed and biblically faithful. Pursuing this ambition and serving students to the best of our ability, while not yielding a loss to the Seminary, has been a real challenge in a post-Amazon industry that operates with very little profit margin.

The Lord continues to extend our influence by enabling us to provide meaningful support to some great publishing projects that would otherwise be lost in the sea of publishing. More and more, we are being used of God to be a pebble that can start a wave to market some great titles to the broader Church.

Because we have no specific endowment or designated funding for bookstore operations, we cannot function at a deficit on any prolonged basis. Moreover, since margins in book sales are razor thin, great care is required for sustaining this ministry to our constituencies. So, while profit is not our goal, the Seminary cannot afford to fund losses. We therefore attempt to be good stewards by operating as efficiently as possible in the pursuit of our foundational priority to provide the Church with valuable theological resources.

Any of the small surplus we gain goes to the Seminary. By supporting Westminster Bookstore you are supporting men and women training at Westminster Theological Seminary.