
Did God Really Say?

June 03, 2012

Affirming the Truthfulnes and Trustworthiness of Scripture

Rev. Dr. David B. Garner, associate professor of systematic theology, has recently edited a book entitled Did God Really Say?.  This book includes contributions from professors from Westminster, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Covenant Theological Seminary. Contributors include, Drs. David Garner, Vern Poythress, K. Scott Oliphint, John Frame, Michael Kruger, Michael Williams, and Robert Yarbrough.

Order your copy at the Westminster Bookstore.

“Did God really say?” is a fundamental theological question. If God has not spoken clearly, truly, trustworthily, and in human words, then anything goes: believe what you will, act as you wish—no one can fault you.

The church’s historical belief in the truthfulness and trustworthiness of Scripture as God’s written Word is being assaulted from without and from within. In this book, seven scholars from Covenant Theological Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Westminster Theological Seminary confront and repel many of these attacks. Reasoning clearly, cogently, and carefully, they show that the historical doctrine of Scripture is what Scripture teaches about itself, and that this teaching can meet and defeat the ungodly intellectual schemes brought against it.

"It has been said that Christians are people of the Book and Christianity exists because of the Book. The Book referred to is the Bible ­ The Word of God. God¹s Word has been attacked from the garden by Satan and our Savior¹s enemies in various ways at multiple times throughout the ages. The inerrancy and reliability of the Word of God is again under assault - not only from the outside but also from inside the professing evangelical church in extraordinarily subtle yet pernicious ways. Dr. David Garner has wonderfully given to us a volume which appropriately affirms, defends and defines the reliability and sufficiency of God¹s Word and at the same time equips the reader to not only profit from the Word of God but to also defend its priority and integrity. I invite you to every page in this book - each of which are filled to overflowing for your benefit."
- Harry Reeder- Senior Pastor, Westminster Trustee

"The appearance of this volume is most welcome. At a time of increasing doctrinal imprecision and indifference with all too evident disastrous practical consequences for the life of the church and its mission, its authors uniformly address issues related to Scripture’s nature, authority, sufficiency and clarity in ways that are timely and most beneficial. I commend it highly for a broad audience­pastors and other church leaders, college and seminary teachers no less than their students, as well as all others with an interest in these issues."
- Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus

Order your copy at the Westminster Bookstore.