
Nancy Guthrie on Campus

April 15, 2012

Nancy Guthrie visited the Women's Student Fellowship on Thursday, March 22nd.

Westminster’s Women’s Student Fellowship recently hosted Nancy Guthrie, author of multiple books on grief and the gospel, at two of their Spring fellowship meals. Nancy shared her experience of losing two infant children, Hope and Gabriel, to a rare metabolic disorder, and how she delved deep into the Scriptures in the midst of her grief. Nancy related how comforting it is to realize God’s sovereignty at such times, and how helpful it is to have a redemptive-historical understanding of Scripture. She explained how she discovered real comfort and hope by looking at the entirety of Scripture which cannot be found by simply looking to a topical index. Nancy’s love of God and his Word was evident throughout her comments. One student noted, “I was so challenged by a woman who had lost so much, but had worshipped so genuinely in the midst of it. I remember walking out of each session with a heart of worship.”

The women present were encouraged not only by Nancy’s story, but also by her comments about how to help those who are grieving and practical advice about writing. She cautioned writers to be wary of their motivation and to keep God’s glory primary. Her encouragement to write to that end inspired several of the women there. As one student put it, “I want to write, and have started to. I’m not intending to become an author, but I realize writing is for everyone with a testimony of God’s grace and comfort, who feels compelled to make it known.” Without doubt, Nancy’s visit will have a lasting impact on those who attended.

Women's Student Fellowship
Nancy Guthrie (speaking, left) with Jayne Clark, Associate Dean of Students, speaking to the Women's Student Fellowship.