
Easter in the Archives

April 07, 2012

The last week of Christ's life plays a prominent role in the four gospel accounts.  From the time of Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem, to his death, resurrection and ascension, Jesus' presence on earth takes up 30 of the 89 chapters in the Gospels. Faculty throughout the years at Westminster Theological Seminary have taught and preached these passages as the central doctrines of the Christian faith.

Read a review by Jared Oliphint of Resurrection and Redemption: A Study in Paul's Soteriology by Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. at the Biblical Counseling Coalition website:

Explaining what Paul says regarding the contours of redemption and salvation, and specifically how the resurrection fits into that picture, is Richard Gaffin’s purpose in Resurrection and Redemption. It’s a challenging read, and the reader should know before cracking this book that it will take him or her through some deep theological waters. (Originally this book was Gaffin’s dissertation at Westminster Theological Seminary.)

See below to see a short list of chapel messages and lectures given by Westminster faculty, past and present, on the deep truths surrounding Christ's death and resurrection.





C. John Miller