
Loving the Way Jesus Loves

February 07, 2012

New Book by Rev. Dr. Phil Ryken

Alumnus Rev. Dr. Phil Ryken (M.Div. '92), president of Wheaton College, has recently published a new book: Loving the Way Jesus Loves.

Order your copy at the Westminster Bookstore!

Publisher's Description: Most people are familiar with the "love chapter" of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13, yet expositor Phil Ryken has something new to say. Drawing on the earthly life and ministry of Jesus to illustrate Paul's several statements about what love is and isn't, Ryken brings a Christological approach to this commonly quoted passage. These aspects of love are then illuminated chronologically through the story of Christ's advent, teaching, miracle working, sufferings, crucifixion, death, resurrection, and ascension. This approach highlights the crucial truth that we are able to love only because Christ first loved us in this particularly profound, very real, and transformative manner.

Complete with a study guide for each of the 12 chapters, Loving the Way Jesus Loves is attractive to Bible study groups as well as to individual readers. Given its unique emphasis, biblical soundness, integration of art through photography, and popular-level writing style, Ryken's book has both wide and strong appeal. His intensely practical treatment of 1 Corinthians 13 is informed by the classic expositions of John Chrysostom, Jonathan Edwards, and C. S. Lewis, yet it explores an angle that no other commentator has. Ultimately, Loving the Way Jesus Loves bears witness to the life-altering truth that love is a person who has first loved us.

“There are many expositions of 1 Corinthians 13, the Love Chapter, but not many where at every point the preacher shows how God's love in Christ Jesus is the very best exposition and truest embodiment of love. Unpacking the love chapter through this prism, Phil Ryken lends great clarity to Paul's meditation on love and shows how such love drives us back to renewed adoration of Christ. Reflecting on how Christ, by his life and death, makes 1 Corinthians 13 leap from the page drives home the frequent lovelessness of our own lives, strips bare all notions of love that are little more than sentimental twaddle, and provides a concrete robustness to love that is part and parcel of trusting and following Christ.”
- D. A. Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Order your copy at the Westminster Bookstore!