
New Westminster Today!

June 14, 2011

Cure of Souls: CCEF's Biblical Counseling

The newest edition of Westminster Today is available to students, alumni and everyone interested in Biblical Counseling! In this issue we feature The Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation.  Dr. David Powlison speaks of the beginnings of the Biblical Counseling Movement, and Dr. Tim Lane answers the tough question, "Sex Before Marriage: How Far is Too Far?"

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President Lillback shares in his opening letter: The Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF) is a ministry located in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1968, their goal is to call the church back to the primacy of Scripture as the basis for pastoral care and counseling. Since then, CCEF has provided Westminster with biblical counseling professors equipping students with a “comprehensive and case-wise pastoral and counseling theology, something worthy of the name systematic biblical counseling.” CCEF’s mission is to “restore Christ to counseling and counseling to the church” whereas Westminster’s is “to form Christian leaders to proclaim the whole counsel of God throughout a changing world.” We count it a blessing to be ‘co- forming’ Westminster graduates around the world today!

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