
Keller's 'Reason for God Tour' Video from UPenn and Westminster

April 17, 2008

Rev. Tim Keller, D.Min. '81, author of The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism - #7 New York Times' Bestseller's List - and pastor of Redeemer Pres., NYC, presented his book at Westminster and UPenn on March 11.

Click here to see Dr. Keller on this exclusive video release - sponsored by Westminster Bookstore partnering with the Gospel & Culture Project and Dutton Books.

Why is there suffering in the world? How can one religion be "right" and the rest "wrong"? Why have so many wars been fought in the name of God? Dr. Keller answers these questions and explains how faith in a Christian God is a soundly rational belief.

Talk of the Town:

  • The Reason for God is "A compelling overview of the current debate on faith for those who doubt and for those who want to reevaluate what they believe, and why." - Publisher's Weekly
  • New York Magazine featured Dr. Keller as “the most successful Christian evangelist in the city by recognizing that young professionals and artists are ‘disproportionately influential’ in creating the country’s culture and that you have to meet this coveted demographic on its own terms.”
  • "Tim Keller's ministry in New York City is leading a generation of seekers and skeptics toward belief in God. I thank God for him." - Billy Graham
  • "Unlike most suburban megachurches, much of Redeemer is remarkably traditional. What is not traditional is Dr. Keller's skill in speaking the language of his urbane audience...Observing Dr. Keller's professorial poses on stage, it is easy to understand his appeal." - The New York Times
  • "Fifty years from now, if evangelical Christians are widely known for their love of cities, their commitment to mercy and justice, and their love of their neighbors, Tim Keller will be remembered as a pioneer of the new urban Christians." - Christianity Today magazine


Timothy Keller was born and raised in Pennsylvania, and educated at Bucknell University, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Westminster Theological Seminary.

However, he learned the most from his nine years as a pastor of West Hopewell Presbyterian Church in the small blue-collar town of Hopewell, Virginia. The congregation there loved him, suffered through his earliest days as a pastor, and taught an intellectual northerner to be clear.

His second church was Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, which he started in 1989 with his wife, Kathy, and three young sons.

As the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, Dr. Keller started his congregation with a few dozen people. It now draws over five thousand weekly attendees who meet in three Manhattan locations.

Redeemer has since spawned a movement of churches across America and throughout major world cities. Many pastors model their churches on Redeemer and Tim's thoughtful style of preaching.